7 Stay-at-Home Jobs You Can Do at Night


4. Sell Photos/Drawings

Even those of us who aren’t very good at photography love to have a go at capturing special moments with our phones and cameras.

Whatever subjects you choose to shoot, one thing they all have in common is their potential to put money in your bank account.

You’ve been taking pictures for a few years, but your hard drive is probably over-flowing with images of all types because you have no idea what to do with them. In that case, look no further, because we have a solution!

Let’s be clear here – unless you are a grand master at taking pictures you probably won’t make millions of dollars selling your photographs online. But for any regular person with a decent camera, a good eye for a photo opportunity and a bit of spare time, the photo selling job is out there.

Selling photographs online can be a good way to make a bit of extra money with little effort. From selling advertising spaces on your online portfolio of photographs, to selling cups, calendars and t-shirts with your photos on them, there is something for every preference.

In case you don’t have a plethora of quality photos on your hard drive, you can always consider making money by taking advantage of stock photography websites.

Just upload some of your photos, and after they get approved, wait for someone to buy them. That way you get a cut of the sales value and the lucky buyer gets a pretty picture they were always looking for.

Find out where you can sell your photos/drawings