11 Reasons That You Should Keep Your Side Job A Secret


10. Trouble with colleagues

While your boss can cause you some grief over your second job, your colleagues can be equally problematic at your main job.

Not only can they asking too many questions, they can let your supervisor or boss know what you’re up to.

Some colleagues might resent that you don’t work over-time or might suspect that your second job is impacting your main job.

This could lead to some discomfort between you and them.

Also, you colleagues might agree with your employer that you shouldn’t be promoted because you have “one foot out the door.” While these things might not be spoken outright, they are often part of the undercurrent of your work’s atmosphere.

These people might be great to work with, but why involve them in your personal life if sharing this knowledge could negatively affect your work relationship? Then you won’t have to place them in the difficult position of having to answer questions from supervisors concerning you and your private life.

While it can be tempting to discuss your evenings or weekends, you should refrain from saying too much about what you do on the side. You never really know if someone is vying for the same position you are. You don’t want anyone you work with to sabotage your chances for promotion.