11 Reasons That You Should Keep Your Side Job A Secret


11. Considering leaving your current position

Another reason you might want to keep your side job is a secret is because you might actually be thinking of leaving your current job for good if your side job works out.

That doesn’t mean you can up and resign, however. You owe it to yourself to take your time and explore all your options before making a permanent decision.

You may find that your second job can’t support you in the way you hoped it would. You might need more time to work at it.

Just because you intend to resign at some point doesn’t mean you want to alert your boss to the fact. They won’t make life any easier for you if they understand you have a foot out the door. In fact, they might even begin to consider replacements and what happens if they find a candidate for your job they really like – even prefer? How difficult could they make work for you?

If you have plans to change careers, it’s always a good idea to keep this to yourself as long as possible. You obviously still need to work at your current job or you would have left already. Just keep your side work on the back burner and don’t call anyone’s attention to it. This will make your work life go much smoother!