11 Reasons That You Should Keep Your Side Job A Secret


5. Employer will scrutinize you

While some employers may stress about you, other types can become downright antagonistic once they learn you have a second job.

You may find them visiting your office or standing outside your cubicle more often than before. You might also find them scrutinizing your work more than before too.

Whether it’s ethical or even appropriate, some employers get the feeling that they ‘own’ your career. If they discover that you have other options and are exploring them, they could judge you harshly and scrutinize your work accordingly.

Suddenly reports that were once accepted with no remark are now returned to you with requests for revision. Your break times and schedule may also be scrutinized with greater intensity once your boss knows that you have a second job.

You might begin to feel like your boss is watching your every move and waiting for you to slip up – which you might do with someone looking over your shoulder all day long. By not sharing your side job with your current employer you’ll be less likely to be scrutinized constantly. Similarly, you might want to keep your side job a secret from everyone you work with so your secret does not slip out unnecessarily.