11 Reasons That You Should Keep Your Side Job A Secret


7. Employer may deny promotion/raise

You’ll find that announcing your second job to your current employer may result in some unexpected complications.

If your employer begins to question your loyalty or scrutinizes your every move, you might be denied a promotion or the raise you’ve been counting on.

In fact, many people take on second jobs because they require second income.

If your employer has begun to stress about your moonlighting or believes you are being disloyal and are less available to your company, he or she might easily deny you a much-needed raise.

Many people take on second jobs to make ends meet. It isn’t always easy, but it may be utterly necessary. You might, in fact, be able to take fewer second jobs if your main job increases your salary. In essence, you don’t want your need for more pay to become the reason for a denial of your raise.

Also, you might have your eye on a promotion at your company. You don’t want anything to impede your chances of being considered for this position. If you keep your moonlighting activities a secret, they can impact your ability to obtain the promotion you’ve been waiting for. Not all employers would deny a moonlighting employee the raise or promotion they deserve, but why take the chance?