11 Reasons That You Should Keep Your Side Job A Secret


9. Avoid questions

If you do choose to reveal that you have a second job, you’ll find that few people you work with will leave it at that.

In fact, expect questions like this: “Is that lucrative? What do you charge?” and “How often do you work at your side job?”

Don’t be surprised to hear this question either: “So is this something you’re looking to do full time or long term?”

The nature of the questions can be quite probing and many might make your feel uncomfortable. Once you let on that you do side work, it will be hard to prevent your boss or other colleagues from asking these questions which, in truth, might simply be information you don’t care to reveal to them.

Moreover, these questions aren’t likely to be confined to a single day. You can expect to hear questions about your second job frequently. It can feel awful to be put on the spot on a regular basis and by asking people to refrain from this type of discussion could be just as awkward.

Also, if you keep this from your work colleagues, they won’t have to face questions from your boss either who may decide to pump them for some information about you.