Step #4: Promote your item
Once you’ve placed an item up for auction, you want to drive some traffic to it.
Don’t worry if you don’t have millions of Twitter followers or if you only have a few Facebook friends. You may have just the item that someone else is looking for.
For Twitter, you’ll need to write a description of your item and include the link in less than 140 characters.
Try to make the offer sound enticing. Some phrases you might want to include are ‘good deal’, ‘great condition’, or ‘special offer’.
All of these words will stop readers in their surfing and encourage them to click over to your site.
However, it’s important that you don’t lie about the product you’re selling because that will hurt your credibility.
When it comes to Facebook, write a short status update about the item you’re selling. You’ll get the most views if you keep the status short (no longer than two lines).
Also, don’t include the link in your status update. Instead, list the link in your comments. Many Facebook users have found that doing this means their status updates are seen by more of their friends.
There are also other places where you can post about your item including Pinterest, Tumblr, or Google Plus.