Freelance Writing From Home: 7 Ways to Increase Productivity


2. Keep a large notepad near your computer

Some people find that writing a collection of outline points on a pad near their keyboard makes the writing go more smoothly. As you write, ideas will pop into your head; write them down immediately.

You may suddenly realize you need to do more research or check a fact; jot down a short note and keep on writing.

[div class=”ads-right”] [end-div]The best thing about having a scribble pad off to one side of the computer is that it helps you focus your thoughts on the actual writing in front of you.

It collects the information so you don’t need to keep it all in your head.

When you’re trying to create the perfect paragraph, it’s a great relief to know that your project’s crucial facts are written down right next to you and can be referred to when needed.

If you have several different writing tasks to complete during the day, make a list on your pad and cross them off as you go. This keeps you zeroed in on the job in front of you, and helps you monitor your progress. Don’t buy one of those tiny notepads – get a big one with plenty of sheets.