Freelance Writing From Home: 7 Ways to Increase Productivity


7. Treat writing as a profession, not a hobby

When it’s midnight and you’re slouched in front of the computer in your pajamas, it can be hard to associate this picturesque scene with the term “professional”.

[div class=”ads-right”] [end-div]But to succeed as a writer, that is precisely what you must become. Being a professional means honoring the writer’s craft by keeping promises, meeting deadlines, treating clients respectfully and managing your time and your business affairs with discipline.

Print some business cards. Create a web page that shows people you’re serious about your career. Keep track of all your tax information.

You can write in your baggy Hawaiian shorts, but dress well when you meet clients in person.

If you are handy at using Microsoft Excel, make some spreadsheets to keep track of your clients, earnings, duration of tasks and other details.

Keep communication lines open with clients – don’t ever slack in updating a client on how a writing job is progressing. Be crystal clear about the task, the deadline and when you require payment.

Clarity at the beginning of a job saves lots of hassles down the line.